Tips on Having a Good Working HVAC System

Tips on Having a Good Working HVAC System

Having a good working HVAC system is essential for keeping your home comfortable. Regularly cleaning the inside and outside of your unit, avoiding keeping windows open while it is in use, and preventing blockages from near your unit are just a few tips that can help keep your system running smoothly for years to come. People who buy home warranty plans say it has helped them pay for costs relating to HVAC system repairs. Check with your provider and service contract.

Change Your Air Filters Regularly

Air filters are a key component to your home’s HVAC system. They are designed to trap dust, pollen, mold spores and other unwanted elements from the air in your home. A clogged filter causes these irritants to be pushed back into your home, causing poor air quality and breathing problems for those who live in the house, especially young children, elderly residents or those with respiratory conditions.

Clogged air filters can also increase your energy bills by forcing the unit to work harder in order to cool and heat the house. You can easily change your air filters by opening up the vent and removing the old one, then installing the new filter and closing the vent.

In addition to changing your air filters regularly, you should also clean your air returns and registers to prevent the buildup of dirt and dust in these areas. You should also clean the outside of your unit, make sure there is no debris or ice around it and consider sealing your ducts with Aeroseal to further improve your airflow.

Avoid Keeping Windows Open

Airflow is vital to a properly working HVAC system. If you open your windows during the day, this can stifle the flow of fresh air that your HVAC unit is designed to circulate throughout your home.

Obstructed airflow makes your equipment work harder to heat and cool a space, placing strain on critical components, reducing lifespan and raising energy bills. It also affects the health and comfort of your family by allowing airborne germs to enter your home.

In addition, when you keep your windows open, stray grass clippings and leaves can blow right onto the coil fins of your outdoor HVAC unit. This can cause your unit to overheat, creating costly repairs in the future. Make sure there’s always two feet of clearance around the unit to promote proper airflow and to avoid debris build-up. If your home has tall bushes, flowers or shrubs planted near the outdoor unit, it’s best to trim them back so they don’t interfere with airflow as well.

Avoid Making Extreme Changes in Temperature

Having a working HVAC system is not only important for your comfort and health but also to reduce the amount of pollutants in your home. Air pollution can be caused by many things, including pollen, dust, pet dander, and other contaminants. It’s important to regularly clean your vents and make sure the airflow is unobstructed.

Keeping up with your HVAC maintenance will help your heating and cooling units last longer. It will also prevent them from breaking down when you need them most. This is especially important in a place like Texas, where extreme temperatures can cause serious health problems for elderly or sick people.

A good way to check your HVAC unit is working properly is to use a thermometer to measure the temperature of the air coming out of the vents. You can do this by placing the thermometer over the supply register and the return vent. If the readings are different, it means that your HVAC system is not functioning efficiently and needs to be cleaned.

Maintain a Consistent Temperature

If you change your air filter regularly and avoid letting furniture, rugs or other objects block vents, your HVAC system will work much more efficiently. Dirty air filters restrict airflow and force the unit to work harder, increasing energy costs and potentially leading to overheating.

It’s a good idea to maintain a relatively constant temperature, especially during the nighttime. Many people find it more restful to sleep at a slightly cooler temperature, and doing so reduces the amount of work the HVAC system has to do.

Insulation and proper seals also help by reducing the rate at which heat escapes during winter or enters during summer, so your HVAC unit has to work less to regulate the indoor climate. Finally, programmable thermostats can be helpful in regulating temperatures when no one is home or asleep, which further decreases the operational demand on your HVAC system.